If you have any trouble navigating the website or checking out please contact our Customer Care team for support. We are available via phone and live chat for urgent support or email for support within one business day.
My address/phone number/email address isn't being accepted.
Phone number
Please ensure you are entering a valid (real) mobile phone number. We do not accept land-line phone numbers.
The system will run a quick check on your phone number to confirm it is valid. You will know your number has been validated when you see a tick next to it.
TIP: Sometimes it can help to click outside the phone number box to allow the system to capture your inputted information.
Email address
Please ensure you are entering a valid (real) e-mail address. The system will run a quick check on your email address to confirm it is valid. You will know your number has been validated when you see a tick next to it.
TIP: Sometimes it can help to click outside the phone number box to allow the system to capture your inputted information.
Delivery address
SABA utilises the Australia Post delivery address database to confirm a valid, deliverable address has been provided.
Simply start typing your address in the 'search for your address' box. As you are typing the system will search the database for your address. Once you see your address in the drop down you can stop typing and select the address.
If none of the suggested addresses match, you can choose to 'enter address manually' and input your full address.
How do I update the quantity or remove something from my bag?
In your bag/mini cart
You can update the quantity of your products here by selecting the amount in the drop-down. To completely remove an item, simply click on the trash icon.
At the checkout
Once you proceed to the checkout you can remove an item at any time by clicking on the trash icon. You are unable to update quantities at the check-out. To update the quantity, please navigate back to the bag/mini cart.
I want to check out as a guest
To check out as a guest, simply untick the box next to ‘Create an account’.