Why I haven't received my refund?
Here's a few reasons why your refund may be taking longer than expected to be processed.
It usually takes up to 10 business days from when you drop off your return until our returns team received and processes it. This might take a bit longer if we're handling a high volume of returns. Don’t worry—we’ll send you an email as soon as your return has been processed.
For international orders, delivery times to our warehouse can vary depending on your country and the courier you choose for your return. It can take anywhere from a few days to approximately 30 days for the items to arrive. Please use a reliable courier service and take note of your returns tracking number.
How can I check the status of my return?
If you have returned within Australia please enter your return parcel's tracking number at the link below.
If you see a status of "Returned" or "Delivered", great! This means your parcel has arrived at our warehouse. Please allow our team up to 5 business days to inspect and process your return. We will email you as soon as it has been completed.
Please note, depending on your bank, it may take up to 5 business days for the funds to appear in your account.