All parcels are delivered with Authority to Leave. This means the delivery driver will attempt to gain a signature and name if you're home. If you are not home, and there is a safe place to leave the parcel, it will be safely dropped and delivery completed. If there isn't a safe place, an attempted delivery card will be left and the parcel will be taken to a nearby Post Office for collection. For better visibility on your delivery, get the free My Post app.
Residential address
Start typing your address and select your address from the options provided. These addresses are verified which will ensure the smooth delivery of your parcel.
If you are unable to locate your address or would like to manually enter your address, you can do so by clicking 'enter address manually'.
Business address
Start typing your address and select your address from the options provided. These addresses are verified which will ensure the smooth delivery of your parcel.
Enter the business name in address line 2.
*Not available for international customers.
Simply enter the PO Box address in the delivery address section.
*Not available for international customers.
Parcel Locker
Enter the address of the Parcel Locker location in address line 1. Enter the Parcel Locker number in address line 2.
*Not available for international customers.
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